Ragnar Run 2016


I did the Ragnar Run  with a group of friends in April 02, 2016. – Ragnar Run is an event where a teams of 12 run roughly 200 miles—from point A to point B—on city streets, country roads, sidewalks, and bike paths. – I was still riding my bike to complete my goal of riding 8,700+ miles but when they invited me to this event, I took a week off from riding to go to this event.  When I finished my first Ragnar Run, I noticed I was not feeling well. My body was aching. It was the kind of feeling when you have a cold. I remember I wanted to find a place to lay down completely. I laid down and closed my eyes and stayed there for about 15 min. I didn’t want to move. After my second and third run I felt a bit better. Below are my Ragnar Runs I recorded on Strava



 ~ Rocky Balboa ~

From this point on, it felt like everything was going down fall…


 I decided to take a break and practice Yoga instead, but with the promise to go back to the triathlon world…

After I rode 100+ miles a week and completed 8,700+ miles, (On April 17, 2016) I decided to take a break. I felt I was burned out of being constantly training, being outdoors, riding my bike, hiking, swimming, running…you name it! My body was over exhausted and it felt it was breaking down. I tried to push forward but it just wasn’t happening. I needed more time off or to try to do something that was easy for my body. It was at this time when I decided to just practice Yoga.

Talking about when your body gets tired. 😏 sometimes the heart needs to rest too! 😬 I took a week off after I rode 8,761 miles. Then the following three week, I started to swim and run. But the problem here was that I didn’t start swimming and running easy. 😬 I started running the bump and Grind (about 1,169 ft in elevation) I was pushing myself trying to run it on my way up and down. I also tried to swim 1:45 min like I used to. Well, I haven’t been using those muscles for a while so maybe that is why my body felt like it was going to break in little pieces?? O.o? Every part of my body was in pain. 😬 I didn’t want to walk nor even move! I seriously came home one day, laid down on my bed at 3:00PM and didn’t wake up until next day! 😬
This week, I just started to run and swim again. 🙂 Easy does it! 👍🏼 By the way, my eye healed fast! 😉 I still have a few dr. Appointments (regular check ups due to my bike accident) and once that is out of my head, then the fun will begin. I hope!

My sister and I…conquering new mountains! 🙂 💪🏼👏🏼 this picture was taken just days after I had a heatstroke. On July 1st, I decided to go for a late bike ride. I was going to be out of town that weekend and was trying to complete 100 miles that week but… it didn’t happen. I went for a 30 mile bike ride. I came back home ok but then I started to have a sharp headache. It was making me feel really sick. I was feeling really nauseous that made me threw up a few times. (Good thing my sister was there…everyone else was on vacations) Last time I had a heat stroke this bad was in 2010 when I did the Tramway run event. (My first heatstroke) After I finished this run, I noticed I wasn’t feeling hungry or thirsty at all. On my way back home and while driving on the freeway, my body started to shake. Any smell I could sense made me feel very nauseous and really sick. I had to stop driving and call my sister. I seriously felt I was going to die! 😰 I couldn’t even drink water! When I saw my sister coming, I threw up. 🙊 She took me home and hours later I was feeling ready for another run… just kidding! I love you @gregopartida thank you for all of what you have done for me! You have saved me twice 😬👍🏼 ❤️

Just when I was getting ready to start running more, I hurt my foot 😏😐 It still hurts but the good thing is that I can still swim. 🙂👍🏼 I have had issues with my back too 😏(mostly due to my bike accident) but I have been doing exercises to strengthen my back. I have also been swimming a lot lately and it has helped my back a lot! 😃👍🏼 I hope my foot gets better soon! I want to start riding again next week. This month will be all about warming up the legs! 🚴💨

Well, I think this quote is so true! After I hurt my foot, I just couldn’t run! 😏 this week my foot is still hurting. I had to completely stop the training specially because the knee stated to hurt too! 😬 Yes, you might think again I am falling apart but hold on! Life has its ups and downs! 🎢 and I have no reason to feel sad about it. I am not in a hurry or in a race! I have to learn to listen to my body first if I wants to keep going strong! One of my friends told me that I should slow down (what does that mean!? 🤔 ha!) she said it will be more difficult to recover as we get older (gezzz thanks 🤕 lol) specially after my accident but I just don’t want to limit myself to thinking this is true. I believe the body is very smart and is capable of amazing things and I am curious to know how far I can take this! I trust my body and know it is smarter than me! 😬👍🏼 This time off has been a week of good discoveries and it is also giving me more time to work on other projects! Hoping to share with all of you soon! It is a process! It is a process! Change takes time!

For the moment, I (aka, iAMHealthy&Fit) will be taking it easy for a few months due to some issues I have been having with my foot, knee and back (mostly all related to my bike accident) The new challenge has been delayed…! In the meantime, I decided to continue practicing yoga. I need the yoga to help my back…well, my whole body to get stronger. I am still going for easy rides and easy swims. No running! (running is what hurt my body the most) Until my body feels strong and ready again. I will try to post pictures here more often! By the way, did you know there are over 600 muscles in your body and BIKRAM YOGA works each one of them!

I was pretty much falling apart…




The more conscious I am of my breath when I practice yoga, the more I let go…yes my body starts to flex with ease! 😃👍🏼👏🏼💪🏼 my advice: Be more conscious of your breath in everything you do! Doing so, allows you to stay in the present moment! When you stay in the present moment, caos ends! Why? Because the present moment is where God lives. 🙏🏼

I completed my 30 day YOGA challenge! 50 days of practice in one month. This week, I took 3 days off. Starting next week, I will keep practicing 6 times a week and take only one day off for this whole year. I still have a lot of work to do to master all these yoga poses but worth the try! My body is in the healing process! I like how calm and peaceful I have been feeling since starting yoga & meditation.
On the 15th of this month I will start swimming again. 💦 My skin is so white now compared to when I was riding and swimming most of the time! Last summer I was swimming almost everyday for almost two hours that it got to the point the chlorine irritated my skin 😬 (testing my limits)
It has been a busy year for me but I will try to post more often here. Hopefully I will also have iAMHealthy&Fit website up and running before summer!